How to log into Udyam without a Registration Number online


How to log in to Udyam without a registration number online

Have a question about how you can log in to the Udyam portal with the Udyam registration number / UAM / URN, Don’t worry on this page we will explain to you how you can log in without a Udyam number. So go on and follow the easy process given below. In this blog, you will get two methods so if by any chance method one is not working you can go to method number two.

Steps to Login Without URN

First, you have to retrieve your Udyam registration number to retrieve it follow the steps given below to log in to the Udyam Portal without a Udyam Registration Number:

udyam gov home screen


First of all, go to the Udyam registration portal then click on the print/verify option and choose forgot Udyam/UAM number from the drop-down.

udyam gov forgot screen


After that forget UAM/UDYAM registration number webpage open in which you have to choose the given option which appears on the screen. Then choose the registration option if you have registered your Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum then choose Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum or if you have got your Udyam registered then choose Udyam Registration from the box.


If you want OTP on your mobile number then select the mobile number or if you want OTP on your email ID then select the email ID from the selection box.


Then fill in the mobile number or email ID you have selected from the selection box correctly in the given box.


After that click on Validate and Generate OTP. OTP will be received in your selected option.
Note: The validity of OTP is only 10 minutes, so enter the OTP quickly

udyam gov forgot screen


After entering OTP, click on Validate OTP.


When the OTP matches, your registration number will be immediately displayed on your screen.

Note: When you get your Udyam Registration Number, note it down carefully, take a photo, and save it in Google Drive.
After getting the Udyam registration number, You can log in to your Udyam account. Below steps are given follow these steps and quickly log in to your account without any problem

To Read more about "how to log in udyam portal breifly" you can read this


First of all, go to the Udyam Registration Portal, the home page of the Udyam registration portal will open.

udyam gov nav screen


After the home page opens, click on the “Login” option on the home page and then choose the Udyami login option from the drop-down box.


Then enter the mobile number that you provided in your Udyam Registration Number.


Then choose the OTP option. If you want the OTP on your phone number, then choose the phone number. If you want the OTP on your email ID, then choose the email ID. But remember, you have to choose the same ID that you have given in the application form.

udyam gov login screen


Click on the option of Validate and Generate OTP.


You will receive the OTP on your selected option. After receiving the OTP, enter the OTP and finally click on Validate OTP and log in.


As we know through Udyam registration, MSMEs get the benefit of many subsidies and incentives from the government and loans are also available from the bank at cheap interest rates, so the Udyam registration number is very important for MSMEs. If you forget the registration number, do not worry at all, you can generate it immediately by using the method mentioned above and avail all the benefits that MSMEs are getting and also log in to the Udyami login account hassle-free.

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